This past month has brought a bunch of new changes for our family. We found out that we are moving back to Utah next June. We have been in North Carolina now for 7 1/2 years, so it is with mixed emotions to be moving back. Simon moved into his "big boy bed" a few weeks ago and this past week he was potty trained and he weaned himself of his binkies. One day this week at naptime he told me that binkies are "Yucky" and hasn't wanted them since. Charlotte is obsessed with unicorns and mermaids and of course "My little pony". Dave just went to Hawaii a couple of weeks ago for a conference and he is in Asheville this weekend for a course. He is super busy this year but he is doing a bunch of stuff that he loves, so that is good. We look forward to life when he isn't so busy. We have 2 months left until baby #3 comes and the kids are both getting very excited.

Charlotte with her soccer coach

We got Charlotte's ribbon on a package. Was perfect for soccer

Taking a break during the game

This was Charlotte's last game of the season.

Charlotte and friend Gabe on Halloween night

Charlotte and Simon at the ward Halloween party

Charlotte and her class at her school Halloween party

I braided Charlotte's hair for the first time. She told me it is
cute when she tilts her head like this.

We went to the lake with some friends 2 weeks ago.
The kids started out with clothes on, but slowly....

Simon just enjoyed rolling around in the sand and posing
for the camera.

and throwing sand all over his face

Enjoying some yogurt

Simon loves to get in this crock.

Again rolling around in the dirt. This is at the farm where
we went with Charlotte's class to get pumpkins.

Charlotte and her pumpkin

So Frank (Simon's blanket) has developed a personality lately. He
gets happy and sad and in this photo Frank was hungry so Simon
put him up in his seat. We got a new blanket for the baby and
Simon was very excited to introduce Frank to the new blanket.

Charlotte and her good friend Lydia playing dress up

Simon riding around on Rody without any clothes, but of
course Frank is there for the ride.

Charlotte has taught Simon about making silly faces. This is up
in the mountains when we went to Tweetsie Railroad.

At our cabin in the mountains. We went with our friends the Silcox's.

This is a stage coach the kids all played on near the eating
area of Tweetsie.

Charlotte was really scared of the train ride. This isn't even the
Tweetsie train, this is a small train that takes you into a cave with
singing fluorescent mice.

Simon riding up to the top of Tweetsie

Simon and Charlotte celebrate on his new "big boy" bed