Tuesday, February 19, 2008

All 3 kids at Target

So, a couple days ago I took all 3 kids to Target. I only had 6 or so items on my list and had hoped it would be a quick trip - relatively speaking. I had only taken all 3 kids out one other time so it was still a little bit nerve racking. Ever since Henry was born Charlotte "cannot walk because she is too tired" the minute we get to her school, mall, store, etc. She earned a new toy with a job chart for when she didn't ask to get in the stroller or grocery cart(buggy as it is called out here). Anyway, Charlotte was the first to have a break down. It started out small but soon turned to a blood curdling scream with everyone staring and whispering. She demanded to get into the back of the cart with Simon while I was determined to not let her get into the cart. I had Henry in the Bjorn and Simon was in the back of the cart. I finally gave in and let her sit in the front of the cart. Charlotte's hair was way too tempting to Simon in the back so soon he was pulling her hair and poking her. Then Simon decided he wanted to make the load lighter in the cart so he started to throw out some items. I threatened him saying he would have to get out if he did it again. I was praying he wouldn't because it was so hard to lean over with the baby and more importantly, I didn't want Simon loose in the store. Of course he did it again so I pulled him out of the cart. Side note: a woman passes by as Simon throws item out of the cart points and says "your son just threw that out of the cart" and then walked off, no offer of help. For the next five minutes Simon was crawling around on the ground and barking like a dog. He then started to scream and throw a fit that he wanted to get back into the cart. He was walking slowing and occasionally throwing himself onto the ground. Finally, we get to the checkout counter. Simon starts pulling items from the wall and screaming at me. I tell Charlotte she has to get out of the cart so I can get Simon into the cart. Simon is throwing the biggest fit I have ever seen, and that says a lot. He hits me in the face for the first time and is screaming at me saying he wants to get down. I am trying to load the groceries and hold Simon in the cart and trying to prevent Henry from waking up all at the same time. The man behind me says "Do you ever wonder why you decided to have kids?" and I said "Right now I am wondering that" Of course he wasn't being mean, he was being sympathetic. He had 2 children with him who were being well behaved. I was crying the whole way home. Dave came home while I was unloading the car and he gave the kids a talking to. The sum it up the experience was quite horrific.

Total trip time was 1 hour 15 minutes
Total trip time without kids would have been 10 minutes
Note to self - unless needed never take all 3 kids to the store ever again


Kallas Family said...

I wish I could have seen you because I feel like it is only me that has those experiences. Next time drop one of them off with me.

The Kerr Family said...

Oh my gosh Janet, I hate trips like that, and I only have two! I try and get all my errands done while Miles is in preschool so I only have Gray with me. You're my hero.

laura said...

speaking from as a zero kid family, i can only imagine what this was like...exhausting! i hope things get better!

Becky said...

I get tired just reading that! I am so sorry... I can't even imagine. I commend you for at least testing out the errand runs. I hope all is going well! Love you!

Jennifer said...

Ok Janet... I have so been there. I have to admit it made me laugh but I feel your pain. Hang in there. It does get better! I love the random people that comment on your kids and offer no help. They are everywhere!!!

Lizzy said...

I laughed the whole time through that story, but only because I used to nanny a couple of toddlers and have to take them grocery shopping weekly! I just imagined I was seeing that all play out (your descriptions were awesome) and how miserable that would be. I would cry too. Ah, life . . .