Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Proud parenting moments

A couple days ago Charlotte
was playing outside. The people
across the street were visiting the
home they had just bought. A bunch
of people were outside enjoying the
beautiful weather.......

Charlotte comes in and says
"Hey mom, watch your step out front
because I pooed on the front lawn."

Mom "wow, really, show me."

I of course had my camera in hand for this.

Sure enough very large evidence right on the
front lawn next to the road.

I did take several photos of this, including
one of Charlotte doing a thumbs up but I
am not able to get my memory card reader to
work right now.

We thought we had a great story when a couple
of years ago we were in South Carolina at the
outlet mall and we found Charlotte in front of
Pottery Barn peeing.

I think it is safe to say that story has been upped,
the bar has been raised.

when I questioned why she thought this was ok
her reply

"I had to poo really bad and I didn't feel like
walking inside"


Janee said...


linda said...

wow. Did you make her clean it up?

Kenton Anderson said...

NICE! I can't wait to see her proud face when you upload the pics.

Lindsey said...

Very talented- she will make a great camper.