Wednesday, November 26, 2008

check this out

after reading this maybe I should be
in trouble for always letting Simon dress
up in anything he wanted and defending
him if Charlotte ever tried to tell him it
wasn't okay. And also for always painting
his toes when Charlotte and I were doing
ours, even pink if he wanted. Kids are only
innocent for such a short period of time, I
hate to see it end sooner than it has to. The
other day Simon had a friend over and he only
wanted to wear the dresses because he was
"twirling" Simon only wanted to wear the racecar
driver or Buzz lightyear. I was actually sad to see
that he now thinks he cannot wear anything just
for the heck of it.

1 comment:

Jana said...

Cortlen wore a cheerleading outfit (complete with pom poms) to Target last week. I asked him to change out of it twice and he refused, so away we went.