Friday, April 24, 2009

Great blog
I first saw this blog when she had posted pictures
of herself giving birth to her daughter in her
neighbors kiddy pool. Surrounded in her blood within
the pool and breastfeeding the new little baby. The
pictures have now been editied to some extent. Now
she is posting pictures of herself nursing her toddler.
If you also notice her profile pic on her blog. I have nursed
all 3 of my kids for 12-14 months, so I am obviously
a "pro-nurser", but seriously, this girl is crazy.


melancholyjune said...

i agree! but to each his own. did you see the video of the 9 year old breast feeding? it's sick. i think you can find it on you tube. i'd give you the link but I don't want to be the one who you curse when you have nightmares.

Jana said...


I am laughing so hard right now that I am quite close to peeing my pants..or breastfeeding my five-year-old. I "lost track" of this lady several months ago...I'm SO GRATEFUL that you've found her again for me. I'm so bummed that she and her "crunchy" (see sidebar) friends aren't in my ward. Holy moly would I have fun with her!!!!

BTW: I just want you and Janee to know that I sanded down my king-sized four poster bed from the flea market (which was painted black) and stained it this week. It was an amazingly awesome experience...thought of you lovely gals the whole time.

Janee said...

I had forgotten about her as well. Nothing like a good laugh from her disgusting blog.