Monday, June 8, 2009

Gym sightings

Here is some of what I saw at the gym today
1. Old man in sweats with black dress shoes
2. Woman with hair done, tons of make up
and belted sweater with work out pants
3. Hiking shoes
4. Woman holding coffee while on treadmill
5. Woman holding coffee while doing her leg
6. Man wearing sandals


The Singer Family said...

please just tell me that they weren't in shape looking! that would be unfair!

Kim C said...

I so wish I could compile a photo of the man I saw yesterday in my step class at the gym. White shorts, white t-shirt tucked in (of course), doing push-ups on his bench until class started. then participating full-force. It was actually quite amazing in many ways!

Lindsey said...

I wish I could be sighted at a gym!! period.