Thursday, January 22, 2009

Henry is 1

since I rarely post pics of my most
adorable and perfect children I felt
I should post about Henry turning 1.

Testing out the frosting

Charlotte sporting the antlers, obvious
choice for a birthday

He then proceeded to stuff his

Very, very happy.

He was 21 lbs which was only 35%
and he was 65% for his height so
still my shortest child. As you can
see he is still very good looking.
My good looks are obviously very


Anonymous said...

love the antlers. forgot my google password.


Kallas Family said...

Happy Birthday Henry!! I can't believe he is one!!

laura said...

He is one of the happiest kids I have ever met! Love the cake picture!

The Harrises said...

Happy birthday Henry! We miss you terribly. You were always such a chill kid.

Shannon Stoker said...

Your smallest is still bigger than my biggest. Love that Henry. Great cake-faced smile.