Friday, July 18, 2008

Henry is 6 months

I took Henry to his 6 month check up and he is now my smallest baby. He was 50% for his head and his weight(17 lbs) and his length is only 67%. I have never had a child under 90% for length so he is my shrimp. He is not sitting up and still does not have teeth which is also different from my other kids. He is still super cheerful and good so we love him.

Annual 4th of July parade on Evergreen Ave.
We have never been to this but David grew up
doing it every year. The kids loved it.

Simon and Grandpa sporting their UNC hats.

My sisters girls came to visit our new house. Simon
and Charlotte loved playing with the Darbys.

Hanging out on the deck.


linda said...

love the photo of the kids together!

Angela said...

This is crazy but I am looking for Christy Leishman- are you related? She was my best friend in Iowa and I have lost track of her and was doing a big internet search for the 20th time :) I found your page and I hope that you are a related. Could you send me her phone number? Thanks

PS Very cute blog and kids! :)

Becky said...

Yay!! We love Henry!!!