Thursday, October 16, 2008


I really hate Hummers. I feel embarassed for the person
driving them. I saw on wife swap once where the "new" wife
made the husband drive a hummer around his "environmentally
stable" neighborhood and he was completely horrified. I would
feel the same way. I just picture a total meathead who never
recycles anything driving it around. Today when I was driving
out of the gym a guy was driving into the parking lot in a orange
Hummer with a license plate that read



Lindsey said...

Crap- that was Kai!!

Janee said...

About every fifth family in Utah drives a hummer...especially out in Draper. I've never seen so many hummers in my life than when I've been visiting in Utah.

The Kerr Family said...

Janet, you crack me up. I hate them too.