Monday, February 23, 2009

Old ladies may just look cute and sweet

It has been one of those days and it is only 3:44
in the afternoon. It started out with Henry not
taking a morning nap and so I had to take him to
the grocery store at 12:45 after Charlotte left for school
without a nap.
I was trying to go quickly but my list was very long.
I chose a cart that had a broken buckle and was
extra shakey. It took me well over an hour to get
the shopping done with Henry screaming and trying
to stand up in the cart every 2 seconds. As I am finally
checking out I realize that Henry has pooed and it is
quite honestly so bad tears come to my eyes. I finally get
the groceries on the cart(while holding stinky baby in my arms)
and go to hand the checker my value card and realize, wow, my
wallet is at home. He said that is fine and can just put it on hold
and I can come back and pay. At this point it is 2:00, Henry has
still not napped at all so he is super cheerful. I get Simon out
of the grocery store play area and he tells me he needs to
pee and thinks the parking lot is a great place to do this.
I convince him to do it at home. I get my wallet from home,
pay for my groceries and get ready to drive away. Simon is doing
up his buckle so I am just waiting and a cute little old lady
walks up to the car on the right side of me. She opens her door
and gives me the look "your car is too close for me to get in"
so I pull forward so she can open her door farther. "BANG"
What in the world? She totally hits my car with her hand.
Really? At this point I am in a very bad mood, bad enough to
not be super cheerful to the cute little grandma that just hit my
Janet - Mam, what is the problem? I was just trying to move out
of the way for you

Lady - Sure, as you practically rip the door off of my car.(yelling
this & hand motions going)

Janet - Held my tongue, got back into my car, wow. I look in rear
view mirror and notice stuff in my teeth. Flax seed from my
oatmeal. That is perfect, remembering that I ran into a friend at
the store and talked to her for like 15 minutes.

I am now home, groceries put away and it is a sunny warm day so
hopefully it will get better.


Shannon Stoker said...

Oh, man. I can feel your pain. Why is it that it all has to happen the SAME day?

linda said...

the idea that little old ladies are nice is a myth. they are usually mean and grouchy and mean. i am impressed you didn't say anything because I might have!

Janee said...

I love when I realize I have something in my teeth that has been there since breakfast and no one has told me.

melancholyjune said...

nice job biting the tongue and realizing you had food in your teeth. maybe next time you should have something more nasty in your teeth, tick another old lady off and show her who's boss!

Rachel Oswald said...

I would be so ticked after doing all that shopping and realizing I didn't have my wallet. I always fear that, bc it takes sooo much longer to get everything while trying to entertain a crabby kid. I can't believe that feisty old lady! Maybe she had just pooped her Depends and that's why she was cranky like Henry...