Friday, April 11, 2008

Shiver me timbers

Aside from Koosh balls Simon has 2 other extreme fears. Skulls, which he refers to as "jaw bones" and bugs. Per Sheila's order to "desensitize" I have gone a little crazy with the skulls. Simon has sunglasses with flaming skulls on the sides. He has shoes with the tatooish looking skull. So, when we went into Party City to decide on a party I had to convince Simon on doing a pirate party. He was a little stressed at first, but then I described the cake and how it would have a ton of candy on it and he was sold. We had a ton of kids show up and everyone seemed to have a lot of fun.


Janee said...

Your cakes always look amazing.

melancholyjune said...

that was a GREAT party! thanks again for inviting us! sawyer had a blast.